The bazaars

Entering an Iranian bazaar is a unique experience. Prepare to lose yourself in expanding webs that link and unfold what seems like endless options of where to shop and where to move next.  To the untrained eye, it could seem like total chaos but to locals, we assure you, everything is in its proper place!

As we moved through this super saturated ambiance, from time to time a mosque would appear out of nowhere providing an oasis of serenity. These temples become the perfect place to rest and recharge, with the usual peace that places of worship of all religions bring.

A bazaar is a fascinating landmark. With its many galleries, all properly named, courtyards and parks. Some are very well preserved, others run down and dirty, certainly all very special.

Vendors sell anything you can imagine: trunksful of Chinese clothes, home and beauty essentials, spices of all kinds, impressive quantities of jewelry (Iranians love gold) and, of course carpets!

We do not know how many miles of bazaars run in Iran alone, we calculate around 40 km at the least. Tehran’s bazaar being the world’s largest runs 7 km, followed by Isfahan’s with 5 km.  All big and medium sized cities have at least one. These landmarks are part of the core of Iran’s culture alongside mosques, palaces and Mausoleums.

After experiencing the bazaars of Old Persia, we truly understood the meaning of a recurrent complaint made by parents throughout Latin America: ‘your room seems like a Persian market!’



  1. Luzangela Sandoval

    Clarita, 40 años escuchando e imaginándome Irán y ya estuve a través de este Blog. Que emocionante!!

  2. Que contraste de la aridez de su tierra, los escasos recursos de la población versus sus imponentes palacios y la venta de objetos de oro por todas partes!!!
    Miles de años de historia… y cada vez se alejan mas de la evolución del mundo occidental que gira a velocidad vertiginosa y aquí el tiempo parece haberse detenido!!

  3. Idolosssssssssssssss

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